Brooks Funeral Directors
Independent Funeral Services in London
Incorporating BB Funerals
As seen on BBC and the Guardian
We are available by phone 24 hours a day
0208 441 6062
When calling choose option 1 For East Barnet office

Child and Baby Funerals
At Brooks Funeral Directors, we understand that planning a funeral for an infant is a task that no parent wants to undertake. Unfortunately, because of stillbirth, early infant demise, sudden infant death syndrome, or any number of other reasons, you may find yourself doing just that. Take the time that you need to grieve, and enlist as much help as possible, as you plan a funeral that gives your child the proper memorial and honour as a member of your family and a part of your life.

Take Your Time
Take time to grieve the loss of your child. Do not allow the hospital to pressure you into making any decisions before you feel ready. Take your time and ask for help when you need it. Losing an infant is a traumatising experience, so give yourself and your partner time to mourn the loss privately.
Once you feel ready, contact us, and we can guide you through your options.

Talk to your family and decide what type of burial or cremation service you would like for your child. Consider your own personal beliefs, your comfort level and your religious beliefs, as you choose the type of funeral. Your family may already have a burial plot available. However, many people choose a cremation in order that they can keep the ashes close to them at home.
Choose a service that is right for you

Fitting Tributes for you lost little one
Prepare tributes to your infant, to be completed by friends and family members, as part of the service. You could release balloons, release doves, scatter flowers, write a letter, listen to a special song, or have a moment of silence. Make your own traditions depending on your comfort level and personal beliefs. In the years to come, the tribute will become a touching reminder of the funeral service and the support of your friends and family members who cared for and loved your infant.
How much will it cost?
We offer a basic funeral for babies and children throughout North London, with a simple coffin, a hearse (not suitable for babies) and a limousine. For this there is no charge.
The only charges that may incur are cemetery or crematorium fees, ministers fees (if you choose to have one), and hospital fees. Should you require a more elaborate service, we can provide an individual quotation to suit you.
Spending time with your baby
Although it can be a hard thing to face, here at Brooks Funeral Directors you have the choice to spend time with your baby in our Chapel of Rest. It is your choice whether or not you do this, but it can be an important step in your journey of grieving. If you choose to do it, it will be hard and upsetting but it is also very special. Parents have said that this has helped them cope with the grief later.
Recognising your baby as a real person is important. Take time to create memories and acknowledge your baby’s existence in the world.
We are also able to provide beautiful layette sets for your little Angel, kindly dontated to us by Gowns for Precious Angels.
Please see some examples below.