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Advantages Of Pre-Paid Funeral Plans 

Having many years’ experience in the funeral industry, we have come to realise that death is still a taboo subject for many. A few minutes spent carrying out a Google search shows people have no idea of the options available to them, much less how to make sure their wishes are carried out. Below are some examples of questions we found on the web:- 


“I don’t want people to wear black at my funeral. I don’t want people to be sad when they say their goodbyes to me.” 


“I want them to be happy and bright to celebrate my long-lived happy fun well-achieved life! I don’t want people to wear black, but bright retro funky patterns and colours!” 


“Yes I know people will be sad, but when they say their last goodbyes, can’t they just celebrate that I have lived a full life?” 


“In fact, I was thinking, when I write a will, could I arrange a fancy dress funeral? I want my funeral to reflect my personality! Fun, loving, bubbly, crazy! My family and friends would agree on those.” 


At Brooks we have a specialist pre-need counsellor to guide you through the whole process. Loved ones feel especially torn when selecting an appropriate coffin. This is after all, the last thing they will ever do for you, should it be over the top and expensive, or plain and simple? Will people walk away thinking cheapskates? When the truth is, after the funeral, no one will ever see the coffin again! If you make the decision now, all this pressure will be removed. 


Would you like a horse drawn hearse, a traditional funeral car, or even a motorbike hearse for your final journey? Do you want a procession of vehicles or no mourner cars? 


You can add a lot of input in the final funeral ceremony itself. Choose the type of ceremony, the readings, any songs, speakers, poems or other tributes you require. Choose where you would like the ceremony to be held. Maybe you want a formal funeral at your chosen church, or maybe a simple service at the local crematorium or cemetery. Or maybe an informal memorial ceremony at your favourite park or restaurant. 


Make sure you include a list of who you would like to be informed of the ceremony, and of course we can arrange for these people to be notified. Just ensure the details are kept up to date. Finally, you can confirm your wishes as to gifts you would like people to bring to honour you, be it flowers, or donations to your favourite charity, or maybe a mixture of both. 


You may instead choose the direct cremation option, where you’ll only pay for our fees, a basic coffin, crematorium transportation, legal paperwork, and crematorium costs. The only decision in this option is what you would like done with the ashes, and as you can see from the website, there are plenty of options. 


As there are so many details and decision associated with arranging a funeral, planning a funeral before the need arises can relieve the loved ones of the responsibility of making arrangements. Planning in advance can demonstrate love and consideration, and most importantly, it provides peace of mind in the knowledge that all the financial considerations have been addressed, and that all of the decisions meet your wishes and needs. Pre-planning eliminates doubt. 


We offer a pre-planning program that can be tailored to satisfy your individual needs. Arrangements may be made at Brooks or in the comfort and privacy of your own home. If you would like further information, please contact us on 0800 1300 499, for a no obligation chat. 


Feel free to shop around. You may prefer one funeral home because of its location or family tradition, but please be aware that prices and service vary greatly from one end of town to the next. 

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