Brooks Funeral Directors
Independent Funeral Services in London
Incorporating BB Funerals
As seen on BBC and the Guardian
We are available by phone 24 hours a day
0208 441 6062
When calling choose option 1 For East Barnet office

Dove Release
At a Funeral or Memorial service, a Dove release is a peaceful and healing tribute.
A solitary dove gracefully released represents a peaceful and onward journey of the spirit; some mourners share a moment of solitude with a dove snuggled to their chest before releasing it to the skies, while others prefer to release from one of our elegant white dove carriers. The dove also brings a sense of soulful serenity to soothe the hearts of family and friends. A funeral is a time for remembering, celebrating and rejoicing the life of a loved one. Dove can only be used for survives we our holding.

Releasing a single Dove
Releasing a single Dove pays a moving tribute to a loved one who has sadly passed. Respectfully creating tender and cherishable memories for those left behind.
A single Dove release price on advisory, please note that prices vary depending on location

Releasing a pair of Doves
Releasing a pair of Doves symbolise one soul joining another, a partnership reunited for eternity.
A pair of Doves release price on advisory, please note that prices vary depending on location

Trinity Release
The trinity release creates an escort to eternity: three doves ascend to await a fourth dove, which is released to symbolise the parting spirit and they all fly on together. price on advisory
Please note prices vary depending on location.

Releasing a flock
A flock of doves (10 - 100) released from a floral decorated white wicker basket represents a celebration of life and simply bids a united farewell by family members and friends.
price on advisory
Please note prices vary depending on location.